- Accueil
- Agence
- Missions
- Évaluation et Suivi des Ressources en Eau
- Planification et Gestion des Ressources en Eau
- Attribution d’Autorisations et Concessions
- Prévention et Protection contre les Inondations
- Avis sur les Projets Impactant les Ressources en Eau
- Assistance Financière et Technique
- Recherche et Développement
- Gestion Intégrée et Contrôle de l’Utilisation d’Eau
- Services
- Accès Webmail
- Plateforme MAA DIALNA
- Appels d’offres ABHSHOD
- Portail Marchés Publics
- Base de données FAOLEX
- Plateforme du ministère de l’équipement et de l’eau
- Plateforme AJAL
- Plateforme ROKHAS
- Plateforme MAJALISS
- Portail de Transparence
- Portail national des réclamations
- Portail national de la participation citoyenne
- Guichet électronique de commande de documents administratifs
- Médiathèque
- Actualités
- Français
Portfolio Detail
We help our clients to build their best possible economic We understand you’re saving for all different life events: retirement, a house, simply to build wealth, or all of the above. Your investment account should adjust to your life — not the other way around.
You have within you, right now, at this very moment, all that is necessary for you to become the happy, successful person you’ve always wanted to be. All you need to do is unlock the riches that have been locked away with-in you. Being lucky in life is the result of putting yourself into action for good luck to happen to you. You’ve probably heard the statement “The harder I work the luckier I get”. Another way. We decided to create a thought leadership campaign around four future-focused films and a new website around the themes of Technology, Placemaking & Society, Climate & Resources and Mobility – issues that pose challenges and opportunities for our people and places.