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Board of Directors

The water basin agency is administered by a board of directors chaired by the government authority responsible for water and composed of:

1-for at most two-thirds of the representatives of:

  • Government authorities concerned,
  • Public establishments responsible for the production of drinking water, hydroelectric energy, and irrigation water management.

2-for at least one third:

  • From the president of the hydraulic basin council;
  • Presidents of the councils of the relevant regions or one of their vice-presidents.
  • By a president chosen by and from among the presidents of the relevant chambers of agriculture.
  • From a president chosen by and from among the presidents of the chambers of commerce, industry, and relevant services.
  • From a president chosen by and from among the presidents of the relevant chambers of crafts.
  • From a president chosen by and from among the presidents of water user associations.

The president may invite, in an advisory capacity, any qualified person to participate in the work of this council.

The missions of the board of directors of the agency:

  • Adopt the master plan for integrated water resource management and the local water management plans after their review and opinion by the hydraulic basin council provided for in Article 91 below.
  • Adopt the other plans established by the agency and provided for by this law;
  • Examine and adopt the agency’s general annual and multi-year activity programs before their approval by the administration.
  • Stop the budget and accounts of the agency.
  • Examine the scope and rates of the fees for the use of the hydraulic public domain proposed by the agency to the administration.
  • Set the fees for processing applications for authorizations and concessions for the use of the hydraulic public domain.
  • Develop the status of the agency’s staff before being approved, under the conditions provided for by the current legislation relating to the personnel of public establishments.
  • Approve contracts for concessions and agreements entered into by the basin agency.
  • Approve the participatory management contracts concluded under this law.