In Bali, Indonesia.
Participation of the director of the Sebou and Oued Dahab hydrographic basin agency in the activities of the 10th session of the World Water Forum, held from May 18 to 25, under the slogan “Water for Shared Prosperity”.

An official Moroccan delegation, led by the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, accompanied by Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water, celebrates the 10th edition of the World Water Forum – Bali 2024, which began with its first edition in Marrakech in 1997, followed by eight consecutive editions, the last of which took place in Dakar in 2022, highlighting its evolution into a “unique and distinguished platform for exchanging experiences and knowledge, as well as high-level international mobilization around sensitive water-related issues, and thus unifying visions to address global water challenges”.