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Granting of Authorizations and Concessions

Issuing Permits and Concessions for the Use of the Hydraulic Public Domain, Maintaining a Special Register for These Permits and Concessions, and Proposing the Basis and Tariffs for the Usage Fees of this Domain:

This mission holds particular importance as it involves the regulation and management of rights to use the hydraulic public domain in the region. Here is a detailed expansion of this mission:

  1. Issuance of Permits and Concessions:
  • The Agency is responsible for issuing permits and concessions for the use of the hydraulic public domain in its operational area. These permissions may cover various uses such as irrigation, drinking water supply, industry, and other water-related activities.
  1. Preparatory Studies and Analyses:
  • Before granting permits and concessions, the Agency conducts thorough studies and analyses. These assess the potential impact on water resources, ecological balance, and compliance with current laws and regulations.
  1. Selection Criteria:
  • The Agency establishes clear criteria for the selection of permit and concession applications. These criteria may include environmental, social, economic, and technical considerations to ensure a balanced use of water resources.
  1. Special Register:
  • The Agency maintains a special register that lists all issued permits and concessions. This register serves as a crucial database for the transparent and efficient management of rights to use the hydraulic public domain.
  1. Monitoring and Follow-up:
  • After the allocation of permits and concessions, the Agency ensures regular monitoring to ensure that specified conditions are met. This includes the quantity of water withdrawn, usage practices, and environmental impacts.
  1. Periodic Review:
  • Permits and concessions are periodically reviewed to ensure they remain in line with water resource management objectives. Reviews may be conducted based on changes in water demand, evolving environmental conditions, or necessary adjustments.
  1. Proposal of Basis and Tariffs for Usage Fees:
  • The Agency proposes to the administration the basis and tariffs for the usage fees of the hydraulic public domain. These fees may be based on criteria such as the volume of water withdrawn, the type of usage, and environmental impact, contributing to the financial sustainability of water resource management.
  1. Public Consultation:
  • During the development of tariffs and fee structures, the Agency may organize public consultations to gather opinions from stakeholders, including water users, local communities, and other interested parties.
  1. Conflict Management:
  • In case of conflicts related to the allocation of permits or concessions, the Agency plays a mediating role and takes measures to resolve disputes fairly and in accordance with applicable regulations.
  1. Promotion of Sustainable Practices:
  • The Agency encourages the adoption of sustainable practices among permit and concession holders. This may include incentives for energy efficiency, water reuse, and other initiatives aimed at minimizing environmental impact.
  1. Training and Awareness:
  • The Agency organizes training and awareness programs to inform permit and concession holders about best practices, current regulations, and issues related to responsible water management.
  1. Adaptation to Climate Change:
  • The Agency integrates the dimension of climate change into the allocation of permits and concessions by anticipating possible variations in hydrological regimes and promoting resilient water usage practices.

In summary, the mission of “Issuing Permits and Concessions” by the Sakia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab Hydraulic Basin Agency aims to manage rights to use the hydraulic public domain in a balanced manner, ensure compliance with environmental standards, and contribute to sustainable water resource use in the region.

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