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Financial and Technical Assistance

To provide, according to modalities set by regulations and within the limits of its capacities, any financial contribution and technical assistance to public or private entities that would request it for the realization of studies and works necessary for the operations undertaken in accordance with the provisions of this law.

This mission underscores the commitment of the Agency to financially and technically support public or private initiatives aimed at conducting studies and projects in accordance with the provisions of the existing law. Here is a detailed expansion of this mission:

  1. Financial Assistance Modalities:
  • The Agency provides financial assistance according to modalities established by current regulations. These modalities may include grants, preferential loans, co-financing, or other forms of financial support.
  1. Selection Criteria:
  • The Agency sets clear criteria for the selection of projects eligible for financial assistance. These criteria may encompass considerations related to the impact on water resources, environmental sustainability, and compliance with watershed management objectives.
  1. Assistance Requests:
  • Public or private entities can submit requests for financial assistance to the Agency. These requests should include detailed information about the proposed project, its objectives, beneficiaries, as well as the associated financial and technical needs.
  1. Project Evaluation:
  • The Agency conducts a thorough evaluation of submitted projects, examining their technical feasibility, environmental impact, and contribution to water resource management goals. The evaluation also includes an analysis of the project’s financial viability and its compliance with relevant standards and regulations.
  1. Technical Assistance:
  • In addition to financial assistance, the Agency offers technical support to relevant projects. This may include sharing expertise, providing hydrological data, coordinating with other specialized stakeholders, and other forms of technical assistance.
  1. Coordination with Partners:
  • The Agency coordinates its actions with other potential partners, such as government agencies, research institutions, NGOs, and other entities involved in related fields. This coordination aims to maximize the efficiency of the provided assistance and avoid duplication of efforts.
  1. Monitoring Funded Projects:
  • Once financial assistance is granted, the Agency ensures regular monitoring of funded projects. This includes verifying progress, compliance with initial plans, and managing any necessary adjustments.
  1. Results Evaluation:
  • Upon completion of funded projects, the Agency conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the achieved results. This assessment allows for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the provided assistance, identification of best practices, and informing future assistance allocation decisions.
  1. Participation in Pilot Projects:
  • The Agency may encourage participation in pilot projects designed to test new approaches, technologies, or methodologies in the field of water resource management. These pilot projects may benefit from specific financial and technical assistance.
  1. Promotion of Innovation:
  • The Agency promotes innovation by supporting innovative projects and fostering the adoption of emerging technologies in water resource management. This contributes to strengthening the resilience of hydraulic infrastructure and promoting sustainable practices.

In summary, the mission of “Financial and Technical Assistance” of the Sakia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab Hydraulic Basin Agency aims to support projects aligned with water resource management goals, facilitate access to funding, and provide technical expertise to promote the sustainable development of the region.

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